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Joined: July 19, 2007
Posts: 12
Posted: Post subject: A doctrine of my own... |
I was wondering if any fellow intellectuals could provide some fresh insight into this topic I've been studying and analizing for the past year now. i'd really like somebody to give my their two cents on the subject to stop my thought from going in circles on this matter.
My question is: How is the best way for one to live his or her life?
I've already made a lot of progress on the subject and becouse my thought processes have led me to a lot of thought about all of life in general I can now call myself at least partially self-actualized.
To sum up what I have got to so far in one sentence is: "one should live their life as to increase the quality and happieness of themself and those around them." It's verry rough so I'd appreatiate it if you could judge it as well as tell me your own personal dogma
I've read alot on the subject and know that their are a lot of names for life styles out their. what I'd like to know is what nonpublished people think think about this.
I'm verry interested in anything you have to say. |
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Joined: November 16, 2006
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The way one wants to live it, as long as they aren't hurting anyone (whether it be themselves, or anyone else, physically, mentally, emotionally, etc.) On the other hand, its also important to make as many mistakes as one can, as long as one learns from it the first time, and accept the outcome of what happens next. Learn from mistakes, even if they’re NOT one’s own.
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Joined: July 11, 2007
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The way to live ones life depends entirely on the individual. however, i sense that you are looking for happiness. to shed some light on this matter, i strongly suggest you read "Stranger in a Strange Land" by Robert A. Heinlin. this book is life changing, in all senses of the word. after you fully grok the meaning of this book, you will understand what you seek. Thou art God.
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 calbookishgirl_PREV (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
The only flaw I find in your doctrine is excessive vagueness. I would argue that it is not enough merely to speak of happiness, but to try to light a path toward it.
In my view it is only living by a set of principles, as consistently as possible that is both goal oriented, achievable and measurable. The principles you choose can cater toward bringing happiness in different ways. For example, if you want charity to be a key principle in your life, you will make others happy by aiding them in their darkest hours. A side effect of being charitable will be making yourself happy by achieving your goals.
Paige |
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Joined: October 22, 2007
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Another interesting point that should be brought up is a quote from 'The Princess Bride', which I was just watching last night. It went something like "Life IS pain! Anyone who says different is selling something..."
While this doesn't suggest that life itself is a hurtful experience that we should dwell on, we tend to measure our lives by the high points and the lows. I remember hearing a story in antiquity about how the quality of a person's life used to be measured by white and black pebbles dropped into a jar; The white pebbles representing good events or memories, and the black pebbles the opposite, and it was a matter of which colour were more numerous. What I'm trying to say is that I find that you have to take in the good experiences with the bad, to accurately 'live' your life to the fullest. How can one have any high points, after all, if there are no low points for juxtaposition (A reason why I still find the concept of a 'Heaven' so alien...)?
I don't think that a 'best way' exists that EVERYONE can live by - It's a personal choice that best fits you and your code of ethics and behaviour. As long as your philosophy gets you on track for the enrichment of your life, that's all that should really matter (Yeah, I know that's a tad self-centered, but for sake of argument, I'm assuming that 'enrichment of your life' means working towards a greater good, rather than evil...)
-Stay safe, carry ALWAYS, and when the need is greatest, a 1911 is faster than 911. |
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 kantastic (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
`I have long disagreed with the idea of "happiness" entering one's ethical stance, I find it can be a slippery slope that may eventually lead to objectivism.
To me, the best life one can have is realizing the interconnectivity of everything you see or think or feel and realizing that everyone is an end-in-themselves and it'd be a terrible injustice to infringe upon their reality in a negative way. Once you accept those two principles things start coming easily. The best life is one of reflection and being able to say that you left the people you've known better then you found them.
That's just my own sleep-deprived ideaology though.
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 woodwose (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
`The first thing one needs to do is define what 'happiness' is for that individual. Someone once said to find something that you love to do, then figure out how to make a living at it, is happiness. I think we have multiple things that defines our own personal happiness. The real trick is to find what thing(s) makes YOU happy, not what society/culture/friends say SHOULD make you happy. Curly's finger strikes again.
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Joined: October 14, 2008
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Happiness is 2 half if want, spirt put into something and the feel you get form that. I beleive happiness work better if plan for. I would wagering einstein, always had losely base plan.
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Joined: June 19, 2007
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`You should try to fulfill your dreams while living with no regrets.
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 silentrunning (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
`"Here's the meaning of life: Well its nothing very special.... try to be nice to people, avoid eating fat, read a good book every now and then, get some walking in, try to live together in peace and harmony with people of all creeds and nations."
Monty Python - The Meaning of Life
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 centaurus (deleted)
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`Happiness is too much of a self-serving concept. Happiness for some could be melting green plastic army men or worse; growing up and doing it as a profession.
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Joined: April 9, 2010
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`If you reduce any argument to first principles, you come to the conclusion inevitably that all action is inherently meaningless. But, because this is a state shared by everything in the universe, it also gives you the exact same worth as the rest of the universe combined, and considerably more to yourself. So with this in mind, whatever doctrine you choose to live your life by, provided that it allows you to live in the manner you want to live and provides you the most satisfaction at the least guilt, regret, or external punishment, is the right one.
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Joined: May 23, 2010
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In a shorter way you could say, live life for your own happiness.
If it makes you happy to make others happy, than that is the same thing.
If being a good person makes you happy, than there you go.
so if increasing the quality of ones own life and others, you could still say, live life for your own happiness.
Or say, Live a happy life.
Over simplified, but no matter how you put it it could fit anybodys views and beliefs, and it doesnt take much, just four words. and you could fit any life style into it.
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 quailman (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
`I like this topic.
As for my opinion, I don't feel there is one right answer. To each their own! I understand that any perspective I have may very well change over time too (I have many more years to live out, zombie apocalypse pending ).
For me I have to say companionship. Their is comfort in knowing that there is someone who cares about my wellbeing, and security in knowing that there is one who in turn depends on me/appreciates my company. It gives me a sense of worth, purpose, and happiness.
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 gothamgirl (deleted)
Posted: Post subject: |
`I'm not really sure how to answer this and in all fairness. Not everyone can experience happiness. It took me a long time to understand that something that makes another person happy. May not make you happy as well. It's like how in the movie "City Slickers" Billy Crystal's character was all about the whole, one thing deal. It really depends on the individual and everyone goes through different things.
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